The Mansion House situated in Tu-Endie-Wei Park, was built in 1796 by Walter Newman for a tavern. It was the first hewn log house built in the county and was used as an inn, residence, and place of public entertainment. Later additions were made and the building was modernized, but it was restored to its original state in 1901 by the first DAR Chapter Regent, Dr. Livia Simpson Poffenbarger, aided by citizens of Point Pleasant. In that year, the State Legislature appointed the local chapter, DAR, to be the custodian of the building. Since which time it has been furnished in colonial style, made a repository for historic relics and used as the Colonel Charles Lewis DAR Chapter House. The Legislature of West Virginia made supervision provisions in 1913 for its permanent maintenance under the supervision of the Point Pleasant Battle Monument Commission: Messrs J. W. Windon, President; John A. Austin, Secretary; and Charles C. Bowyer, Treasurer. Tu-Endie-Wei Park is the site upon which was established the headquarters of General Andrew Lewis. This is the site from which he commanded the Battle of Point Pleasant, October 10, 1774, the First Battle of the American Revolution. Colonel Charles Lewis, Ann Bailey, Cornstalk and the other heroes of the battle lie buried in this Park.
Point Pleasant Battle Monument
The Mansion House
Interior view of the Mansion House
Current Officers
Joanna Alvarez
Deborah Hickel
Cora P. Teel
Darlene Schwarz Haer
Deborah Hickel
Diana Johnson
Amelia Halstead
Elizabeth Barker
Christen Alvarez
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Do you have questions about membership?
Please contact Diana Johnson, [email protected]
Col. Chas. Lewis page maintained by Monica Brooks, WV DAR member and VIS Chairman, [email protected]
Disclaimer: Web hyperlinks to non-DAR sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters. The DAR Insignia is the property of, and is copyrighted by, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.