Peters Mountain Chapter Daughters
of the American Revolution
Points of Interest
The Indian Creek Covered Bridge was built by two teenagers in the early 1900s along the route which would later became U.S. 219. The road closely followed an old Indian path known as the Seneca Trail, or alternately, The Warrior's Path. Present day U.S. 219 does not vary too greatly from the course of the foot path used by tribes of the Iroquois Nation.
Old Rehoboth is the oldest church building still standing west of the Alleghenies. Bishop Asbury consecrated the church in 1786. An iron plaque spells the sentiment of those who gave the land and church for worship "as long as the grass grows and water flows." There is a museum and conference center adjacent. The museum contains significant historical artifacts. The Church building and adjacent museum are open Fridays and Saturdays from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. through October.
The Monroe County Courthouse located in Union, West Virginia, was built in 1881.
For more information about our chapter or becoming a member, please contact our Regent, Nancy Kornegay, [email protected] or our Webmaster & Chapter Email Contact, Kathy Robertson, [email protected]
Updated on 10/23/2007 |