Graphic:A slice of the flag.

John Young Chapter, NSDAR
Charleston, West Virginia
Daughters of the American Revolution

Wagner, Labrecht
Diana Huling
Walker, Oliver
Wallace, Joseph
Elizabeth Weaver
Warth, George
Hannah Berry
Warwick, Jacob
Mary Vance
Washington, Samuel (Col)
Jane Champ
Mildred Thornton
Lucy Chapman
Ann Steptoe
Wason, John
Eleanor Till
Weeks, Samuel
Martha Haines
Welsh, Henery
Christiana Hubert
White, Nathaniel
Hannah Finch
Wickliffe, David
Wilson, Benjamin (Col)
Ann Ruddell
Phoebe Davison
Wilson, William
Elizabeth Blackburn
Wiseman, Joseph
(PA, NC)
Elizabeth Bateman
Witcher, William, Sr.
Anne Majors
Wolfenbarger, John
Hanna __________
Wood, David
Mary Watson
Woods, Joseph
Mary Apperson

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Last updated 10/27/04