Chapter History
Peters Mountain Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution was named for the mountain known geographically as the Great Eastern Divide. This mountain was named for Peter Wright, who settled in this area in 1776. At this point it rises over 3200 feet above sea level. The state line between Virginia and West Virginia lies on top or near the ridge except where it dips into the valley to include Waiteville, West Virginia.
Peters Mountain is known, not only locally, but throughout the world by meteorologists as the producer of one of "Natures Greatest Noises." Usually, in the spring, when conditions are right, a great roaring wind is heard, described by one as a "trememdous thundering roar of giant waves breaking over rocky reefs."
In meteorological circles, it is known as a uinque phenomenon with worldwide prominence, occurring in only one other place in the world--on the island of Penang, off the Malay Peninsula.
Peters Mountain Chapter was formed in June, 1980, under the direction of Betty White, Organizing Regent, Margaret Ann Scott, State Organizing Secretary, and Maxine Spearman, West Virginia State Regent.
Our chapter, while young in comparison, and small in number, is a very active chapter and has contributed much to the State Society, National Society and its many varied projects.
For more information about our chapter or becoming a member, please contact our Regent, Nancy Kornegay, [email protected] or our Webmaster & Chapter Email Contact, Kathy Robertson, [email protected]
Updated on 10/23/2007 |